Monday, September 2, 2013
Silver Wolf Award - B.S.A.'s First Super Scout Award In 1911 Ernest Thompson Seton, the Chief Scout of the BSA used Lord Robert-Baden-Powell's Handbook for Scouting and combined it with elements of his Birch Bark Rolls to create the first "Proof" BSA Handbook. In this book was the requirments for the completion of Merit Badges and Ranks. The first proposed "super" rank was the Silver Wolf Award". Based on Seton's love of Native American culture and his understanding of how they viewed the Wolf as the greatest creature alive, he decided to propose the Silver Wolf.
It should not go unnoticed that B-P was known as "Impassee", a name which roughly translated to cunning Wolf. It was given to him by the native tribes of South Africa for his fighting ability. B-P too viewed the highest rank in England as the Wolf Award, so it was only natural that the Silver Wolf be used with the BSA. However, when the Proof handbook went out National Scout Commissioner Daniel Carter Beard, known as "Uncle Dan" proposed the Award be changed to the "Eagle" since it was the national symbol of the United States. Effectively this was done and the Silver Wolf Award was never produced. However, the artist rendering was supplied in the book and today a replica of the Badge can be obtained for collectors.
The first set is limted to 100 serialized issues. Coming with a maroon ribbon, the replica is faithful to the original artist rendering and has been used as a collector supplement to Medal collections as well as presentations to Eagle Scouts for achieving their rank. For more information visit the web address related to the history of the Award at - Scut
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